On Wednesday morning of Feb. 16th, 2005, I woke up early, not intending to be up so early. I
happened to glance through glass doors and saw the colors that were emerging from the horizon just as the sun was
beginning to rise. I immediately grabbed my SONY CyberShot digital camera.
threw on my boots and RAN outside. I knew from past experience
that the window of opportunity to take such colorful shots was closing fast & time was of the essence.
For some of the shots I ended up taking a little hike up Stratton (foolishly forgetting in my haste
to grab either a radio/walkie talkie or my cell phone!) I also never mentioned to anyone where exactly I was going since everyone
was asleep. Just glad I made it back down that icy mountain with my camera intact and some shots worthy, according to
Gramma Sue, of being "on a postcard." It was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever personally seen, let alone